Committee Progress Report


Type of report being submitted: Committee Progress Report


Date:   2/12/04


Committee Name:  Student and Student Chapter Outreach Committee (SASCO)


Supervising Board Member: Shelly McCoy


Chair, Co-Chairs, Assistant Chairs:  Kim Wobick, Chair,  Susan Anderson, Co-Chair


Committee members:  Amanda Bakken, Kira Barnes, Amy Deuink, Robin Ewing, Lila Faulkner, Michelle Fossum, Sarah Jansen, Jen Lau, Sarah Robbins, Jeni Weidenbenner, Christina Williams


Activity in Current Reporting Period  

a)      Projects completed (For example, any procedures, tip sheets, checklists, etc. created during this period):


Formed “teams” within SASCO: Electronic Resources, Newsletter, and Unit Liaisons. The teams will ensure that the objectives needed to meet SASCO goals will be completed.


Electronic Resources: The members of this team have divided up to take responsibility of the NMRTSTUDL listserv, updating and maintaining the SASCO web page, and answering queries that are sent to SASCO via our email,


Newsletter: Distributed four monthly newsletters via email for LIS students during the fall and the beginning of the spring semesters. This is done by SASCO members, who email school program contacts.


Unit Liaisons: Compiled list of NMRT Units needing regular contact from SASCO. This list includes the following committees: Diversity, Membership Promotion and Relations, Mentoring, Publicity, Resume Reviewing Service, SCOYTA, and Student Reception.


Regular communication has been established with the new SCOTYA committee.

Information regarding the history and procedures involved in administering the Student Chapter of the Year Award has been sent.


Appointed Susan Anderson as Co-Chair. Because of other obligations, Lyssa Oberkreser was not able to finish her term in this office.


Contact has been established with the NMRT SASCO Web Liaison by the Electronic Resources Team. The SASCO chair has sent content to the Electronic Resources Team for posting on the SASCO web site.


b)      Projects in progress but not yet completed:  (Note: Most SASCO projects are continually ongoing.)


Continuous updating LIS program student chapter contact database. To date, SASCO members have successfully contacted roughly 42% of 151 schools with library and information science education programs. This includes both ALA accredited and non-accredited programs.


Continue to establish and maintain relationships with student chapters. In some cases, our school contacts are officers of the student chapters, but our contact with the schools has been more general up to this point. I have encouraged SASCO members to seek out officers of their school's student chapters, especially for Award information.


Create and send monthly emailing of SASCO Times newsletter to LIS program highlighting NMRT/ALA services and activities.


The Electronic Resources Team maintains the SASCO student listserv, NMRTSTUDL.   They have started a monthly discussion topic that is posted to the list.


Complete update of SASCO web page and post on NMRT site.


Advertising of SCOTYA award, along with encouraging nominations from student chapters. On a regular basis, SASCO has sent out a press release to our school contacts which has been put together by Jodie Mattos, chair of the SCOYTA committee.


Action Items/Issues To Be Resolved (What is left to do, based on your Planning Report?  Have there been any substantial changes in plans since then? What items, if any, have been deferred until next year?): 

Create procedures list and tip sheets for future leaders of SASCO and update SASCO handbook entry.


Financial Report Section:

Your budget appropriation (see budget)

a. 180.00

Amount which you have spent so far this year

b.     0.00

Your estimated additional expenses this year

c.     0.00

Total of amount spent and additional "estimated" expenses for this year (b+c)

d.     0.00

Difference between budgeted amount and total expenses from above (a-d)

e. 180.00


Report submitted by:  Kim Wobick, Co-Chair


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