Footnotes Committee Final Report

**Type of report being submitted: Committee Final Report

**Date:            25 July 2003

**Committee Name:  Footnotes

**Supervising Board Member:  Sally Gibson

 **Chair, Co-Chairs, Assistant Chairs:  Chair: Jennifer Knievel, Assistant Chair: Jill Grogg

**Committee members:  Chrissie Peters, Amanda Roberts, Germaine Irwin, Terri Holtze,  Elizabeth O'Brien, Mary Bryson

**Goals, Objectives, Projects completed (including, but not limited to, any procedures, tip sheets, checklists, etc. created during the reporting year):

  • Arranged to move Footnotes to online access
  • Increased number of issues to 4 (from 3)
  • Changed publication dates to accommodate a 4th issue
  • Conducted survey of NMRT membership to determine level of interest in various aspect of Footnotes including content, format, and delivery schedule
  • Arranged printing relationship with ALA printing office, relieving Footnotes chair from the task of finding, contracting, and arranging billing for local contractors every year, and increasing awareness in Footnotes of ALA regulations regarding newsletter distribution
  • Maintained improved content that was begun by Stacey Shoup in the previous year (more stories of interest to new librarians)
  • Agreed upon Chicago Manual of Style for style decisions in text and layout of Footnotes.
  • Published 3 issues of Footnotes on paper.
  • Solicited stories and contributions for Footnotes from NMRT membership.

**Action Items/Issues To Be Resolved – What plans/projects remain which will be carried over or postponed until next year? Have there been any substantial changes in plans requiring a reconsideration or cancellation of projects? Information regarding such will be helpful for future chairs and planners.

§         Significant changes may be necessary for the move to the online version.  A template that conforms to ALA web site standards will need to be created an adopted so that Footnotes can reside permanently on ALA servers rather than on member servers.

§         Delivery mechanisms need to be confirmed with the ALA printing office.  Notice should be sent to existing members, either via the next paper issue, or via NMRT-L, or both, to alert members to the necessity of keeping their email addresses up to date with ALA.

§         An attempt should be made to get the Archives committee to make Footnotes  its next project.  Currently, back issues of Footnotes reside with the committee chair, risking loss as back issues are mailed around every year when the chair changes.  This is also important because current issues will be going online now, and members will wonder about accessing older issues online as well.  After the questions that have arisen from the move to the online version have been addressed, the Archives committee should be consulted about possible scanning all the old paper versions of Footnotes and making them available online.

Financial Report Section:

Your budget appropriation (see budget)

a. $3,805

Amount which you have spent this year

b. $3419.47

Difference between budgeted amount and amount spent (a-b)

c. +$385.53


**Report submitted by:  Jennifer Knievel


**Email address: