Committee Progress Report

NOTE: ** = Required Field

**Type of report being submitted: Committee Progress Report

**Date: February 28, 2003

**Committee Name: Alumni Relations Ad Hoc Committee

**Supervising Board Member: Joseph Yue, Dora Ho

**Chair, Co-Chairs, Assistant Chairs: Tanzi Merritt

**Committee members: Sara Morris, Catherine Collins, Denise Davis, Sarah Robbins, Heather Moulaison, Lisa Nguyen

**Activity in Current Reporting Period

  1. Projects completed (For example, any procedures, tip sheets, checklists, etc. created during this period):
  2. Development of a list of current benefits (and future potential benefits) that NMRT can offer to alumni members.

  3. Projects in progress but not yet completed:

Creation of a brochure detailing benefits of alumni membership. Text is in process, and layout will match closely the layout of a new brochure currently being created by the Membership Promotion and Relations Committee.

Web site promoting alumni membership will be developed. Text on the site will be similar to text used in the new brochure. Site design will follow current NMRT site template.

**Action Items/Issues To Be Resolved (What is left to do, based on your Planning Report?
Have there been any substantial changes in plans since then? What items, if any, have been deferred until next year?):

Development of brochure and Web site are the major projects that the committee must complete. At this time, the committee plans to have the text for the brochure/Web site completed this year. Completion of the brochure depends on the completion of the general brochure by the Membership Promotion and Relations Committee. This part of the project may be completed in the next year depending on MPR's timeframe for completion of their brochure.

Financial Report Section:

Your budget appropriation (see budget)

a. N/A

Amount which you have spent so far this year

b. N/A

Your estimated additional expenses this year

c. N/A

Total of amount spent and additional "estimated" expenses for this year (b+c)


Difference between budgeted amount and total expenses from above (a-d)

e. N/A

**Report submitted by: Tanzi Merritt

**Email address: