Addendum to Committee Planning Report, 2002-2003: Timeline


 Date: 10/24/02


Committee Name: Membership Meeting and Program Committee


Specific Timeline for Year's Activities


AUGUST 31, 2002


Appoint Committee


SEPTEMBER 16, 2002


Get suggestions from committee members concerning program and have article placed in Footnotes asking for suggestions for



Come up with a list of discussion topics for the listserv, and decide how often these

will be posted and how they will be archived and by whom.


OCTOBER 1, 2002


Post the first listserv topic to NMRT-L


OCTOBER 30, 2002


Decided on and invited keynote speaker


Work out conference logistics -time and day for the meeting/program


NOVEMBER 18, 2002


Ask and confirm that specific NMRT officers will speak at the meeting/program --ask for input for other ideas of speakers




Committee meets to decide on final format of meeting  --to plan for the final agenda.

Can we/do we want to have a doorprize?


Decide how we want to archive discussion on a website


FEBRUARY 28, 2002


Contact Publicity Committee Chair to give meeting details to.


MAY 30, 2002


Confirm speakers. Finish program agenda and print. Continue publicizing.




Hold program at Annual. Write thank-you notes for committee members.


Addendum submitted by: Shelly McCoy


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