Addendum to Committee Planning Report, 2002-2003: Timeline



Date: November 5, 2002


Committee Name:  Resume Review Service


Specific Timeline for Year's Activities


Coordinate matching of resume review requests with available reviewers; coordinate with Publicity and Student & Student Chapter Outreach Committees to publicize Resume Review Service via Footnotes, NMRT Web site, appropriate discussion lists, and student chapter outreach.



Receive materials from previous chair; review material for possible archival value and route appropriately; confirm Committee appointments; confirm roster of reviewers.



Notify Committee members of their assignments for the year; prepare planning report for President and Executive Committee.



Schedule any necessary meeting(s) at Midwinter for Resume Review Service Committee.



Coordinate with Publicity Committee to send notices to Footnotes, NMRT Chapters, and appropriate discussion lists to publicize ongoing service and Comfort Station at Midwinter; contact NMRT chapters to request volunteers to staff Comfort Station and review resumes at Midwinter Meeting; send request for volunteers to appropriate discussion lists.



Schedule any necessary meeting(s) for Annual conference; coordinate shipping of Comfort Station materials to Midwinter location or designated Committee member; contact NMRT Committee chairs to request hand-out materials for the Comfort Station; create schedule for volunteer reviewers and Comfort Station staffers; send a second call for volunteers if necessary.



Prepare progress report for President and Executive Committee; apply for space in Placement Center for Annual Conference.


Midwinter Meeting

Arrive early to set up Comfort Station in Placement Center; staff Comfort Station; dismantle Comfort Station; preside at Committee meeting.



Prepare report of proceedings of Midwinter Committee meeting(s); send results of Midwinter Committee meeting(s) to officers and others as appropriate, send notice to Footnotes.



Coordinate with Publicity Committee to send notices to Footnotes, NMRT Chapters, and appropriate discussion lists to publicize ongoing service and Comfort Station at Annual Conference; contact NMRT chapters to request volunteers to staff Comfort Station and review resumes at Midwinter Meeting; send request for volunteers to appropriate discussion lists.



Send Comfort Station staffing notice to Footnotes; arrange shipping schedule for Comfort Station to Annual Conference location or designated committee member; contact NMRT Committee chairs to request hand-out materials for the Comfort Station; create schedule for volunteer reviewers and Comfort Station staffers; send a second call for volunteers if necessary.



Confirm Comfort Station display and schedule with designated Committee member; prepare report for Annual Conference.


Annual Conference

Arrive early to set up Comfort Station in Placement Center; staff Comfort Station; dismantle Comfort Station; preside at Committee meeting.



Prepare final report for President and Executive Committee; send results of Annual Committee meeting(s) to officers and others as appropriate, send notice to Footnotes; send letters of recognition to Committee members, Comfort Station staffers, and volunteer reviewers; send appropriate materials to new Committee chair(s).


Notices to other public relations vehicles may be handled at the same time as Footnotes releases; these should be coordinated through the NMRT Publicity Committee.


Addendum submitted by:  Laura Kortz, chair            


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