American Library Association – New Members Round Table

Executive Board Meeting at Annual 2002

June 17, 2002, 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Sheraton Atlanta, Room Z Georgia 3/4

In Attendance:

Bill Jenkins

Mary Anne Hansen

Charles Jones

Dora Ho

Rory Patterson

Beth Kraemer

Erik Drake

Ann Dykas

Nadine Flores

Shannon Tennant

Ann Snoeyenbos

Joseph Yue

Bill Armstrong

Kim Wobick

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Dora Ho.

II. Old Business

A. Meeting Minutes – February/March E-Meeting Minutes

Erik Drake moved to accept the minutes, Ann Dykas seconded.

Motion passed.

Erik Drake moved to take from the table the Governance Committee proposal tabled at the last E-meeting (February/March). Ann Dykas seconded.

Motion carried.

Erik Drake then withdrew the motion to approve the original motion from the E-meeting to approve the proposal. Shannon Tennant seconded.

Motion approved.

B. Group Hotel Booking – Bill Jenkins

Will need to go through ALA (used GODORT model for initial investigation), and will need a password to book rooms. How to distribute to members? Also, how many rooms needed? Bill Jenkins and Beth Kraemer will work on a survey to determine the number of members who might make use of this.

III. New Business

A. 2002-2003 Budget (– Bill Jenkins

Bill stated that we’re required by ALA to do a zero-growth budget for 2002/2003 and one with 20% reduction.

Joseph Yue moved to accept the budget as presented; Eric Drake seconded.

Motion approved.

B. Student Chapter of the Year Award – Monetary Portion: Beth Kraemer (see attachment for full proposal for monetary award)( proposal--rev2.doc)

Money included in the budget; just approved.

Joseph Yue asked if Board members are comfortable being “shadowed” by the winners and runners-up chapter. (Note: “Shadowing” is for leadership development; “mentoring”, for career development)

C. Exit Survey – presented by Dora Ho (Michelle Visser, chair)

Designed to help us with strategic planning. Ann recommended adding question about what members did when involved. Everyone agrees this survey would be valuable. Once finalized, Board will vote on it. Committee charged by Board to finalize.


Joseph Yue moved to change order of business; Ann seconded.

Motion approved.

Joseph inquired as to the best way to get list of members and their time in NMRT. Data can be extracted from an existing database at about $100 for 2 hours worth. Does the Board want to do this? From here on we can track this electronically; we just can’t get renewal members information automatically from ALA. ALA only tracks Roundtable Board members and chairs. This information would provide us with track record of leadership information on NMRT members for use in recruiting new members.

Joseph moved the Board authorize the Membership Promotion and Relations Committee to acquire membership data from ALA.

Ann Snoeyenbos thought this would be more useful if used to recruit mentors, but not to prove NMRT leadership potential of organization for new members.

Ann Dykas proposed we just collect data from 1990 on. Beth Kraemer thought this would perhaps be a better task for Alumni Committee as opposed to Membership, because of above comments.

Two issues seem to be involved with this project: alumni members and current members.

Ann Snoeyenbos wants to focus on small slice of data that we can actually work with; focus on our current members, e.g. who are they and what are they about.

Bill Jenkins then recommended the dates 1997-2002. Joseph Yue will proceed with these.

D. Constitution and Bylaws Changes – Rory Patterson (

Proposal 1:

Constitution, Article IX

·Heading: Official Constitution and Bylaws

·Original Text: None

·Proposed Text: “The electronic version of the NMRT Constitution on the NMRT website is the authoritative edition. The Governance Committee is responsible for updating the electronic version per meeting minutes and official results of mail ballots.”

·Action: add the proposed text

·Reasons: Presently, no version is designated as official.


Joseph Yue moved to accept the changes to the Constitution; Beth Kraemer seconded.

Question called, motion passed.


Proposal 2:

Bylaws, Article V, Sections 4 and 5

·Heading: Committees

·Original Text:

4. Special committees shall be created by the President as needed or upon the request of the Executive Board. Unless otherwise directed, the President shall appoint the chair of each Special committee who will serve one one-year term. Chairs may be re-appointed if their reappointment is approved by the Executive Board. Special committees may continue until the Executive Board votes to abolish them.

5. Ad hoc committees shall be created by the President as needed or upon request of the Executive Board. Unless otherwise directed, the President shall appoint the chair of each Ad hoc committee. Ad hoc committees shall exist for one year. Ad hoc committees may continue if approved by an annual vote of the Executive Board. Chairs of Ad hoc committees may be re-appointed if their reappointment is approved by the Executive Board.

·Proposed Text: Section 4: Ad hoc committees shall be created by the President as needed or upon request of the Executive Board. Unless otherwise directed, the President shall appoint the chair of each Ad hoc committee. Ad hoc committees shall exist for one year. Ad hoc committees may continue if approved by an annual vote of the Executive Board. Chairs of Ad hoc committees may be re-appointed if their reappointment is approved by the Executive Board.

·Action: Remove Section 4 and renumber the rest of the Sections.

·Reason: After reviewing the definitions provided by Sturgis of Special Committees and Ad Hoc Committees – which states they are synonymous - the Governance Committee recommends that either Section 4 or Section 5 of Article V of the Bylaws be removed.



Ann Snoeyenbos moved to approve; Erik Drake seconded.


To be consistent with Sturgis, Ann S. moved to amend “Proposed Text” section by changing “Section 4" wording to read, “Section 5.” Shannon Tennant seconded.


Ann S. moved text be altered to read “...approved by a vote of ...”; Ann Dykas seconded.


Don’t want to restrict to “an annual vote”; want to leave open.

Motion carried.

Final text to read: “Ad hoc committees shall be created by the President as needed or upon request of the Executive Board. Unless otherwise directed, the President shall appoint the chair of each Ad hoc committee. Ad hoc committees shall exist for one year. Ad hoc committees may continue if approved by a vote of the Executive Board. Chairs of Ad hoc committees may be re-appointed if their reappointment is approved by the Executive Board.


Proposal 3:

Bylaws, Article X, Section 2

·Heading: Liaisons

·Original Text: Regular liaisons shall be appointed for two-year terms by the President. Regular liaisons are limited to one two-year term unless their reappointment is approved by the Executive Board.

·Proposed Text: Regular liaisons shall be appointed for one-year terms by the President. Regular liaisons are limited to three one-year terms unless their reappointment is approved by the Executive Board.

·Action: Change the liaisons' appointment from a two-year term to a one-year term with the possibility of reappointment.

·Reason: Allows each president to appoint liaisons instead of every other.



Erik Drake moved to accept; Ann Dykas seconded.


Ann Snoeyenbos motioned to table. Shannon Tennant seconded.

Question called; Yes: 3, No: 2. Motion failed to pass by 2/3 majority.

Motion made to withdraw original motion made by Erik Drake. Approved by general consensus.


Proposal 4:

Bylaws, Article V, Section 3

·Heading: Committees

·Original Text: Committee Chairs of the Standing committees shall be appointed for one or two-year terms by the President. Committees whose chairs shall serve one two-year terms shall be the Membership, Publicity, and Footnotes committees. All other chairs of Standing committees shall serve for one year. chairs may be re-appointed if their reappointment is approved by the Executive Board.

·Proposed Text: The President shall appoint Chairs of the Standing committees for one-year terms. Committees whose Chairs shall serve one two-year terms shall be the Footnotes and Web committees. All other chairs of Standing committees shall serve for one year. Chairs may be re-appointed if the Executive Board approves their reappointment.


oRemove Membership and Publicity committees from Article V section 3, and add the Web committee in their place.

oThe committee also recommends the terms of the Standing committees be made of uniform length by making all Standing committees serve for a one-year term.

·Reason: Committee Chairs are for one year, except for Footnotes and Web committees so presidents’ have the most flexibility in selecting their Chairs.


Ann Snoeyenbos moved to accept Proposal 4; Erik Drake seconded.


Grammatical changes to be made (this can be done without a second motion).


Ann Dykas moved to amend the first line by striking “for one-year terms.” Erik Drake seconded


Question called; motion carried.


Joseph Yue stated need to clarify in Bylaws which committee appointments should be one-year, and which should be two-year. Discussion on whether to include instructions in Bylaws on 1-2 year appointments and re-appointments ensued. Need for flexibility pointed out. There are currently no two-year committees.


Ann Dykas made motion to amend 1st sentence to read, “ one year terms.”


Erik Drake moved we strike sentence 2 and 3; Ann Dykas seconded.

Question called, motion carried.


Text as amended now reads: “The President shall appoint Chairs of the Standing committees. Chairs may be reappointed if the Executive Board approves their reappointment.”


Motion to amend made by Ann Dykas; seconded by Erik Drake. Full text of statement is changed to read as follows: “The President shall appoint Chairs of the Standing committees for one-year terms. Chairs may be reappointed for an additional term.”

Question called, motion carried.


Back to main motion – to approve as amended.

Question called, motion carried. Last amended text stands.



Proposal 5:

Constitution, Article VI

Heading: Affiliates Council

Original Text: “There shall be an Affiliates Council consisting of one representative of each NMRT state of regional affiliate.” 

Proposed Text: None

Action: Delete this Article and renumber the remaining articles

Reason: Presently there are no affiliates. The Committee asks that the President of NMRT establish an ad hoc committee, which will serve to redefine or reactivate the Affiliates Council. 


Ann Snoeyenbos stressed need to consider this carefully, because of the importance attached to the Affiliates Council.


Liaison Coordination and Support Ad Hoc Committee had been recommended by Joseph Yue to look at this. Charged to look at 1) liaisons, and 2) affiliates.


Others felt we should have a separate group look at this and have a report by Midwinter. Suggested that someone report back to the Board as to how many Chapters there are out there for whom we would have to provide support (strong in Texas and New York). Board asks the incoming Networking Director (Shannon Tennant) to do this.


Joseph Yue withdraws the motion. No objections; motion withdrawn.


E. E-meeting


Board will just conduct discussions; will stay away from major decisions.


Other New Business: None


Joseph Yue moved the Board adjourn; Erik Drake seconded.

Meeting adjourned at 11:03 a.m.



Respectfully submitted,


William W. Armstrong

NMRT Secretary