Committee Progress Report

NOTE: ** = Required Field


**Type of report being submitted: Committee Progress Report


**Date: March 1, 2003


**Committee Name:  Shirley Olofson Memorial Award Committee


**Supervising Board Member:  Joseph Yue


**Chair, Co-Chairs, Assistant Chairs:  Rich Murray


**Committee members:  Lisa Ennis, Smita Parkhe, Linda Rowan, Michelle Turvey, Elisabeth Filar Williams


**Activity in Current Reporting Period 


Projects completed (For example, any procedures, tip sheets, checklists, etc. created during this period):


The committee solicited applications for the award by posting to various mailing lists, an announcement in Footnotes, etc.  A total of 38 completed applications were received by the deadline, January 6.  Before the chair forwarded the committee members the completed applications, there was a lengthy discussion via email about how the applicants should be judged and the committee developed a rubric, at which time the chair distributed copies of the applications.  One committee member was unable to attend Midwinter, so she sent her comments and ranking of the applicants to the chair before the conference.  At Midwinter, the members in attendance held a closed meeting at which the winner and two alternates were selected.  On Feb. 7, the chair informed the winner that she had been selected.  She agreed to the terms of the award.  The committee created an acceptance form for the recipient to sign and sent it to her.  The other applicants were informed that they had not been selected on Feb. 13.  The committee sent the relevant information to the Publicity Committee so a press release could be written on Feb. 28.


Projects in progress but not yet completed:


The committee is creating the certificate to be presented to the award recipient at the NMRT Membership Meeting at the Annual Conference in Toronto.


**Action Items/Issues To Be Resolved (What is left to do, based on your Planning Report?


Have there been any substantial changes in plans since then? What items, if any, have been deferred until next year?):


The remaining activities are for the committee to obtain the award check from ALA and to present it to the winner in Toronto.


Financial Report Section:


Your budget appropriation (see budget)    a.   

Amount which you have spent so far this year    b.   

Your estimated additional expenses this year    c.   

Total of amount spent and additional "estimated" expenses for this year (b+c) d.   

Difference between budgeted amount and total expenses from above (a-d)  e.   


**Report submitted by:  Rich Murray


**Email address: