NMRT Board Member Progress Report


1. Office Name: Joseph Yue/President



2. Office Term (Date: Ex. 2002-2003): 2002-2003



3. What kind of interaction have you had with your committees thus far this year? What support have you been able to provide them?


For committees I directly supervise, I have been keeping close contact with chairs and project leaders by email and phone.  For other committees, I have provided feedback when included in the discussion threads.  A few reminders and directional email were sent to all committee chairs or via their supervising board members.



4. What would you still like to accomplish in your office before the end of your term?


Facilitate the creation of procedures, checklist, tips sheets and policy proposal from committee chairs and board members.



5. Date of report: March 31, 2003



6. Submitted by: Joseph Yue