NMRT Board Member 2002-2003 Planning Report



1. Committee: Strategic Planning Task Force (Ad Hoc)


Chair: Teresa L. Abaid


Assistant Chairs: Maria Berenbaum, Robin Ewing



2. Preliminary work done by committee:


* Reviewed history of work done since Retreat held at

ALA Annual 1998


* Studied the ALA/NMRT Strategic Plan drafted in

January 1999 which analyzed the results of the survey conducted; proposed action plans; listed accomplishments and issues that need improvement; itemized goals/objectives


* Maria Berenbaum and Teresa Abaid met with Carla

Robinson (Chair of SSRA) in November 2002, to discuss

areas of the two committees that overlap


3. How do you plan to help committees address the four

NMRT goals (if it does not apply, put N/A):


* Committee responsibilities will be reviewed to

evaluate whether they are aligned with NMRT goals


* Suggestions for change resulting from review will be communicated to Executive Board


4. How you plan to create a positive committee

experience, including the frequency and type of

support you plan to provide to chairs and committee



* Communicate various developments and decisions with

members of the committee always remaining open to

their suggestions and ideas


* In order to educate present members on the status of

the Strategic Plan, contact past key players from the organization and invite them to participate in a open discussion at NMRT's Big Tent held at Midwinter


5. Future directions your committee/NMRT needs to take

this year or the following year, including strategies

on how to address projects that affect committees

outside of your supervision:


* The committee will propose to the Executive Board

any suggestions for change regarding the effectiveness

of the current Strategic Plan that arise from

reviewing the Plan in conjunction with NMRT's goals.

Also, the committee will make further recommendations

for the next three to five years.



5. Date of report: January 13, 2003


6. Submitted by: Teresa L. Abaid