ALA/JMRT EXECUTIVE BOARD Saturday, January 18,


Chicago Hilton--Boulevard Room B 9:00 - 11:00 am

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Attending were: Robert Adamshick, Rosemary Arneson, Elinor Barrett, Sara Behrman, Cheryl Bernero, Karen M. Bohrer, Pat Brill, Clarence Chisholm, Diane J. Cimbala, Cynthia H. Comer, Donna Cranmer, Josephine Crawford, .Anders Dahlgren, Larayne Dallas, Annette Demaree, Cathy Doyle, David Fiste, Karin Ford, Elaine Franco, Lilah Gainey, Audrey Greene, Beth Hanson, Lucy Heckman, Mary F. Hicks, Dorice Horne, John Harzbecker, Kathy Kaldenberg, Karen Kaluzsa, Erlene Bishop Killeen, Charles Kratz, Jana Lonberger, Gail Mc Millan, Ruth A. Magnussen, James Mouw, Valerie Platt, Sharman Prouty, Joseph Rice, Carol Rickert, Laura Sandmann, Becky Taylor, Terri Tomchyshyn, Bobbi Walters, Randy Wilson

President Anders Dahlgren called the meeting to order at 9:09 am. Introductions were made and voting members of the board were announced. The Affiliates Council President is the only Affiliates Council officer eligible to vote at this time.

The report of the Orientation committee was moved to Monday. Doyle moved and Cranmer seconded the adoption of the agenda. The motion to approve the agenda passed.


President--Anders Dahlgren--Thanked everyone who had helped to prepare for Midwinter meetings. His proposed JMRT long-range planning exercise to provide a contribution to ALA's planning process has been postponed until after Midwinter to allow the ALA Long Range Strategic Planning Committee to meet. He reported that LAMA considering a mentor program for new members. Elinori Barrett and David Jacka will be working on this program.

Secretary--Cathy Doyle--Thanked Anders Dahlgren, Diane Cimbala and Carol Rickert for help in copying new board orientation minutes. Rested hand extensively before coming to conference.

Treasurer--Donna Cranmer--Not too much has been spent so far, but this will change as conference plans progress. The operating supplies line item has been combined with the postage line and needs to be doubled to $250. These costs are from the ALA office and we have little direct control over them.

Dahlgren asked that all program chairs estimate A-V rental charges for the NY conference. He has copies of the equipment rates, if needed. He pointed out the budget will be adopted on Monday, so requests for budget revisions needed to be in by then.

Doyle asked about the status of the awards breakfast charge. Kratz stated that the undisputed part for 100 people has been paid. The rest is still under negotiation. Cranmer stated that there is a $750 escrow that is not reported on the Treasurer's report now that has been set aside if we do have to pay for the other 100 breakfasts.

Past President--Charles Kratz--Reports that he needs a much smaller mailbox now. All the committees he's overseeing are doing well. He will also be attending strategic long range planning meetings.


Vice-President--Bobbi Walters--Needs recommendations for committee appointments and completed committee interest forms for next year. If you have committee members who are doing well (or not so well) let her know. A pre-planning meeting for the 1987 conference in San Francisco will be held in her room on Sunday.


Director of Conference Arrangements--Karen Bohrer-- The committees under her direction doing well.

Director of Membership, Awards and Continuing Education--Cynthia Comer--All her committee are doing well also; there will be a hearing on the 3M/JMRT Professional Development Grant on Monday from 11:30-12:30 to discuss what qualifications an applicant must have.

Director of Publications--Erlene Bishop Killeen--Pointed out the improvement that had been made in Footnotes this year and said that Lorretta Turnage would be unable to attend this conference due to her pregnancy.


Midwinter Orientation--Carol Rickert--Orientation program has been prepared and the guidebook cover from last summer's conference in Chicago re-done. Social will be Monday evening and reservations must be in by 4 p.m. today.

Walters inquired how many had signed up for Social. Pat Brill said about 30.

Cognotes--Jo Crawford--Evaluation of committee's effectiveness is needed. It's very hard to run a quality publication without some consistency in staff from day to day. They are now renting two IBM PCs for production instead of hiring a typist. Also, a higher quality paper is being used. With a change of printers price has dropped from 50 cents/issue last summer to 34 cents at Midwinter so an extra issue is being published.

Killeen advised having an advisory staff for Cognotes who specialized in different issues. She inquired if Cognotes had an ALA intern. Crawford replied that during the summer conference an intern was available for 3-4 hours a day, but it wasn't enough. Dahlgren suggested that was because we got the intern on short notice.

Cimbala suggested that the committee interest form ask if people can come to conference and how long they can stay. Crawford said coming to conference for the full time was not a practical requirement if we were going to have any staff, since many cannot stay the full time.

Platz inquired about Cognotes' funding. Crawford said that the only expense JMRT has is $50 for her postage. The rest is picked up by ALA; exhibitor support is discouraged. Platz then suggested something be done to raise the status of being on the Cognotes staff. Crawford stated that the registration of the editor is paid in full and negotiations are underway to obtain the same for staff, but the JMRT staff liaison, Pat Scarry, doesn't encourage these ideas.

Hicks suggested changing the committee brochure to accurately reflect the amount of time staff would be required to spend in Cognotes activity. Crawford agreed.


Footnotes--Sharman Prouty for Lorretta Turnage--Third issue will be published March 1st, fourth on April 16th. You should be contacted soon by a member of the committee to see if you have anything to publish, but if you aren't, feel free to send it to Turnage. Their committee meeting will discuss changes in Footnotes' section of the goals and objectives.

Handbook--Rosemary Arneson--Asked members present to pick up their revisions. Several people helped with photo-copying and were thanked. Mouw stated that he needed several parts. Arneson said let her know what would be needed and she would send it. The new table of contents has a section listing the latest revis-ion of each section, so you can check that your handbook is up-to-date.

Exhibitor Contact--Beth Hanson--Packets were sent to 30 vendors. She received requests for support from Orientation for folders and guidebooks. Hopefully the Affiliates' development guidelines will be published by annual conference with vendor support. Dahlgren said that everyone should contact Hanson as soon as possible with their requests.

Social--Lucy Beckman--The committee's first choice, Visage, just closed. The other two choices were the Tower Suite and Studio 54. Tower Suite is on the 48th floor of the Time-Life building on 50th St. They will do a cash bar and free snacks. Studio 54 is on somewhat shaky financial footing these days. A slide show was given, comparing the two places. Discussion focused on the Tower Suite. Cranmer asked about the size of the dance floor. Heckman said it would vary, but would be about 1,000 feet. Doyle inquired about the cost of the dance floor, since it was not included in the calculations. Heckman said it was free, but would double check and make sure. Comer inquired if there would be places to talk. Heckman said that since the Tower Suite is set up in a U shape one side could have music and the other side would be for talking. Behrman inquired how many people would be dancing at any given moment. It seemed to be a group consenus that a figure of about 200 could be used.

The following questions were addressed to the Social Committee by the Executive Board:

1. Will there be free drink tickets?

2. Will they sell real food?

3. What was the cost of drinks last year?

4. What will be size and cost of dance floor?

5. How many people can the Tower Suite hold?

6. What will be the ratio of waiters to guests?

7. How will the committee promote the event?

Heckman and the committee will try to determine responses by the next Executive Board meeting.

Publicity--Lilah Gainey--Members of the committee have been contacted. She needs copies of planning reports from the committees who will need help with publicity.

Since the agenda was completed before the scheduled time for adjournment, the President asked if anyone else was ready to report.

Beta Phi Mu Liaison--Larayne Dallas--Main points are in report. Walters asked if it was possible to get a copy of the new Beta Phi Mu members list for a special recruiting letter. Dallas said she would investigate.


Dahlgren asked if there was any new business.

Karen Bohrer asked when the social would be bought up again. Dahlgren said Sunday evening. He once again inquired if anyone else was ready to report.

Committee on Governance--Randy Wilson--There is little to add to the written report. Mary Hicks asked if COG was still monitoring the old Goals and Objectives. Wilson said yes.

Constitution and Bylaws--Ruth Magnussen--A new copy of the constitution and bylaws, with recently approved changes, was passed out for the notebooks.

Students to ALA--Sharman Prouty--Reception will be on June 29th. Five possible locations have been selected by the Local Arrangements Committee, the location will be decided on at the SALA committee meeting.

Killeen moved that the meeting be adjourned; Doyle seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Doyle