Author: Elizabeth Brown <> at Tzltemet

Date: 6/19/96 4:48 PM

Priority: Normal.

TO: Suzanne Byron at Library


TO: district@penn.‘com at INTE



TO: kimberley at INTERNET



Subject: NMRT#2

---------------------------Message Contents ----------------------------

New Members Round Table

Minutes of the Meeting Held Sunday, January 21,1996


Members present:


Liz Brown, Suzanne Byron, Emerita Cuesta, Betsy Fordon, Laura Galvan-Estrada,

Carol Gill, Linda Golian, Marilynn Green, Judy Hambrick, NMIXT Liaison, Pat

Henderson, Paula Hering, Mary Ju Howard, Carol Kern, Jon Marner, Kimberley

Robles, Ronald Russ, Michael Samson, Laura Sill, Bob Wick, Elaine Yontz


 Elaine called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone present.




Elaine reminded everyone of the Leadership Development Breakfast on Monday at 7:30 a-m. It would feature the ALA presidential candidates; NMRT Officer candidates, and NMRT Council candidates, Former members of NMRT would talk about getting involved in ALA beyond NMRT.


Carol reminded everyone of the Social on the Riverwalk.


Betsy reminded everyone to sign the Council petitions+


Director - Michael Samson


Michael Samson reported that the joint Conference Arrangements meeting had gone very well, The Orientation Program at Annual was entitled “Taking a Bite Out of ALA's Big Apple” and would feature Major Owen as speaker (“The end of librarianship as we know it”). The Local Arrangements Committee planned to put together tip sheets on topics such as safety and places to eat, The President's Program was to focus on career development in an era of downsizing. The

theme for the Social would be “A Sparkling Manhattan night.” The Conference Arrangements would have another meeting at Annual prior to all the programs.


Ronald Russ, Chair of this year's Orientation Committee, suggested acknowledging representatives' form other parts of A.LA who were sent to the Orientation meeting. Members present thought this to be a good idea, but NMRT would want to clarify with these representatives that they would not speak but be pointed out so that attendees could speak with them later. Betsy also noted that

this practice should be written into the Handbook.


Suzanne made the MOTION that the Orientation Committee be enabled to invite other divisions and roundtables to send representatives to orientations at Annual and Midwinter; the representatives would be introduced and would be able to provide literature from their groups.

The motion PASSED.


Betsy suggested that “older” NMRT people be introduced so people could approach them after the program. Elaine asked Directors to remind their committee chairs to amend their Handbook entries as needed after their year was up.


MACE Director - Suzanne Byron


Sue reported that the 3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant and the Olofson Award winners would be selected after the conference because the chairs of those two committees were unable to come to Midwinter at the last minute. She was confident that the situations were well in hand. Sue then let individual committee chairs bring forth their own issues.


Library School Outreach - Linda Golian


Linda reported that the Library School Outreach Committee wished to drop the raffle for NMRT membership. The Board agreed to let the committee decide. Linda would make another library school mailing this spring, and the deadline for submissions would be April 1. Linda also noted that she would make mailing labels available to those members wishing to make their own mailings.


Exhibit Contact and Relations - Carol Kern


Carol reported on the requests that have come in and the status of her contacts with different vendors. Carol was confident about receiving support from 3M, Gale and Highsmith. Carol asked for requests to be on the proper form for records-keeping. She also emphasized that she needed requests in order to approach vendors. She had received no requests this year from the Booth Committee to approach Quality Books. Directors should look at their committees' needs and

. Carol's report to make sure that they requested necessary funding.


Carol thought the $500 request for SALA was too low for NYC. The major downsizing of the Exhibitors Roundtable might affect our traditional relationships since, in general, downsizing means that not a lot of money would be available.


Ann Snoeyenbos, Local Arrangements Chair, had called around New York City to get cost estimates for a coffee/tea reception- She concluded the average cost was 6-8 dollars per person, $1300-1400 would, then, be a very basic estimate for a simple reception. It was noted that some vendors simply don't like to support food events.


Elaine noted that groups that need new money for a project should talk to the ALA Fund before contacting a vendor.


Linda and Bob suggested using non-library sources of funding. The mayor's office also had Conference services that could help people gain funding. In the worst case scenario that pursuing talking to the ALA Fund for Libraries came up short, Carol thought perhaps we could shift Orientation money. She also suggested that we have a mixer with no refreshments.


In light of the popular speaker at the Orientation Program, Carol suggested that we ask for 400 instead of 300 briefcases from EBSCO to ensure that “true orientees” get them. People who were not true “orientees” (and did not need the briefcases) might attend just for the speakers. Members present suggested that the program agenda and other related information be distributed separately to everyone attending and the briefcases only to the “true orientees.” Elaine reminded everyone

that the leftover briefcases should go to the booth.


Carol pointed out the problem caused by the Friendly Booth Award judging taking place during board meetings: not many members were available to be judges. Carol outlined suggestions, and Elaine promised that a solution would be worked out, either with scheduling times for Board meetings or arranging for the meetings to be at the Convention Center with the Exhibits,The latter option might be difficult, but Judy Hambrick promised to assist in this attempt. Elaine

noted that Friendly Booth was very high profile and resolving this matter was important.


Grassroots Grants Program - Pat Henderson

Baker & Taylor withdrew support for the Grants last year; the Committee's charge this year had been to evaluate the Grant Program and make a recommendation for its future. The biggest problem was not the nature of the grant but getting a large pool of applications. The grants were only as strong as the state organizations. Another problem was publicity for the grant, which could be rectified very easily. The committee felt that the grant should be continued with efforts made for better promotion within the states and that the appropriate persons pursue funding for the Grants program-


Carol wondered if NMRT could apply for a grant. Sue noted that Quality Books had expressed interest in Grassroots Grants, We should consult ALA and the Fund for America's Libraries. While grants of $250 would come to $15,000 a year for the whole program, the group felt that the particulars of the program and funding could be worked out later.


A MOTION was made stating that NMRT supported the continuation of the Grassroots Grant Program in concept; and that the Exhibit Relations and Grassroots Grant committees should be enabled to work together to pursue funding. The motion PASSED.


Role of minorities' recruitment - Laura Galvan-Estrada


At present, the Minorities Recruitment Committee was in the process of evaluating its charge and deciding what to pursue next. The members present discussed the possibility of the committee sponsoring a program and the allocation of NMRT resources to support this effort, Kim Robles reminded the group that this example underscored the importance of the Resources Allocation Committee and a monitoring system for NMRT Resources.


Laura showed a brochure that the committee had prepared outlining its role. The consensus was that the brochure almost implied that the Minorities Recruitment Committee itself was the key to getting involved in NMRT.


Laura also questioned if there was an overlap between Library School Outreach and Minorities Recruitment. Linda Golian clarified that Library School Outreach was a channel for the information.


Committee member Emerita Cuesta pointed out that the committee had been, in essence, preaching to the converted. She expressed a desire to reach further out, such as to paraprofessional groups. She expressed a concern for the need to encourage minorities to apply to library school. The Board applauded this approach.

Elaine declared that this committee was very important to NMl3.T and that she could see several exciting areas in which the committee could continue. For instance, when ALA calls on NMRT each fall for names for possible committee appointments, the NMRT President could consult with the Minorities Recruitment Committee. Importantly, the committee could focus on establishing relationships with diversity-related groups throughout ALA, such as the Black Caucus, to help get new members of ALA from all backgrounds involved in NMRT and ALA.

The Committee could also identify what the committee has done in the past and produce a document to present to the Board.


Laura and Emerita noted that the committee wished to have a different name that would emphasize commonalties rather than differences.


Sue made a MOTION that the group could consider a different name for themselves. Kinn SECONDED. The motion PASSED.