At the 2006 Midwinter Meeting San Antonio, January 20-25, the ALSC Board:

VOTED, to change the introductory paragraph of the Strategic Plan to read: “Envisioned future is a clear and compelling catalyst that serves as a focal point for effort and conveys a concrete yet unrealized audacious vision for the organization. The vivid description is a vibrant and engaging description of what it will be like to achieve the envisioned future.”

VOTED, to establish an AASL/ALSC/YALSA Joint Committee on School/Public Library Cooperation, to be added to ALSC Priority Group 7 and direct the Organization & Bylaws Committee to make sure that the language and structure of the function statement match our organization. 

VOTED, to add the following sentence at the end of the function statement for the Research and Development Committee: At Midwinter Meeting review the Strategic Plan’s “Assumptions About the Relevant Future” and inform the Board of changes. The revised function statement will read:
To discover areas of library service to children in need of study and development, and to stimulate, and encourage such research. To advance library service to children through the use of research and statistics. To educate children’s librarians on the value and use of research and statistics. To serve as a liaison to the ALA and division research committees as appropriate. At Midwinter meeting review the Strategic Plan’s “Assumptions About the Relevant Future” and inform the Board of changes.

VOTED, to change the membership of the Children and Libraries Editorial Advisory Committee to include non-attendant members. Membership changes from Chair +3 to Chair +6: 3 attendant members, and 3 non-attendant members who attend CAL Editorial Advisory Committee Meetings when present at conferences.

VOTED, to include a representative from the ALA Washington office to serve as an ex-officio member on the Legislation Committee. The new membership statement reads:
Six members plus the chairperson. The chairperson to be ALSC’s representative to ALA’s Legislative Assembly. A representative from the ALA Washington office to serve as an ex-officio member.

VOTED, to change the Legislation Committee membership term from 2-year, appointments to 3-year, staggered appointments to ensure continuity of the committee’s work.

VOTED, to change the name of the Planning and Budget Committee to the Budget Committee and delete the following sentence from the function statement: "to review annually at midwinter meeting the ALSC Goals and Objectives."

VOTED, to create a Task Force appointed by the ALSC president to examine the William Morris Endowment money, make suggestions, give direction, and bring these to ALSC Board for approval.

VOTED, to instruct Kathy Toon, ALSC Division Councilor, to vote in favor of the ALA dues increase. And to inform the ALSC members of our endorsement.

VOTED, to direct Kathy Toon, ALSC Division Councilor, to vote in the affirmative on the council resolution that allows for the election of a division representative on BARC.

VOTED, to direct the Organization & Bylaws Committee to: 1) craft a recommendation to make media award committee member terms two-year appointments to include the Annual Conference where awards are given, with attendance at the first Midwinter and the second Annual Conference optional and 2) present the recommendation to the Board for vote.

VOTED, to support and co-sponsor in name only a program entitled “English Only” to be coordinated and presented by REFORMA's Children and Young Adult Services Committee at the 2007 ALA Annual Conference.

VOTED, to create an ALSC Early Literacy Task Force appointed by the ALSC president to create an umbrella initiative that addresses the on-going needs of librarians, libraries, and most importantly, young children in the areas of early literacy support, advocacy, and education.

VOTED, to create a Task Force to set-up terms and criteria for a materials evaluation committee that would compile an annual list of books with high child appeal and popularity for children in grades 3 through 6.

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